Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bald boys...

So dad starts chemo tomorrow...Good luck daddy!!! We met at his house tonight to have a little party... in support of Grandpa all the boys shaved their heads! They are all so fetching cute.
Thanks to Carrie the "barber" and Charlise the eyebrow specialist and Amie the photographer :) And all the cute boys and their shaved white heads! You look awesome:)

we will keep you all posted on dad...thanks for loving our family!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bring it on...

okay I was suppose to update this yesterday...so pretend it is still friday:)
mom and dad are on their way home from the doctors office...
you know dad just would not be DAD...(Sid Stoker) if he did not have little bumps in this road! So last week they did yet another MRI and found that he has a growth on the back of his skull- they have decided to treat the cancer with the chemo and hopefully that will get ALL the cancer. So they have a few more standard test to run this next week...all the test so far has came back normal. So they are looking to start the chemo on or around the 3rd of May.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers...people keep asking me if dad has just given up or if his spirits are gone-I tell them that there is NO way that dad would get that way-he may have his times to be upset-we all have! We are so thankful to our Heavenly Father for BLESSING each of us-we have truely seen his hand in this process. And we know that it is from all the many prayers said on dads and our families behalf-so THANK YOU...we love each one of you and are praying for your families as well.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Welcome Home Daddy!!!

Dad is home!!!
We are so thankful for this miracle...thank you everyone for your prayers and concerns that have been made on our behalf. Dad was released from the hospital today and is home resting. He went through so much while he was at the hospital and so did our family. We have our Heavenly Father to thank for dad being with us today. I went over and seen him tonight for the first time since last week, my kids have been sick and I didn't want to pass it to him...He looks so good!!! I can honestly say that I am a total "daddy's girl". I love my dad-WE LOVE OUR DAD!!! The primary song keeps popping in my head...I am so glad when daddy comes home-glad as I can be! and I really DID jump upon his knee tonight!!! LOL:) WELCOME HOME DADDY!!! WE LOVE YOU:D

Sunday, April 4, 2010


We've witnessed a miracle. Dad is awake and alert. He still has a long road ahead, but he's doing good. Thank you for your prayers... we believe in miracles!

Friday, April 2, 2010


As mentioned earlier dad hit a bump in the road. Thursday night he became unresponsive- he is now in ICU. All of his tests thus far have come back normal. Please join us as we pray that they will be able to find a solution to what is causing all of dad's problems. We know that he is strong and he's a fighter. We have faith that Heavenly Father can preform this miracle for dad.


Holy cow...how things can change! The stem cell process went goodl...Thursday afternoon, dad hit a bump in this whole process. Without going into too much details...He is now being tested for different infections throughout his body. Please keep dad in your prayers at this time...we thank all of those that are thinking of our family and praying for dad. We will keep you all updated as soon as we know what is going on.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thank you

They began the stem cell draw on Sid today. He was hooked up for about 6 hours and produced 2 million and 700 stem cells. We are so thankful for all of the prayers that have been offered that have helped Sid produce this amount of stem cells.

The new medicine that they have to give Sid is making him very sick. He hasn't eaten anything today because he is so sick. He is sore all over and can barely walk. Although he is sick, he is still in good spirits.

Tonight we received a very special surprise- many of our friends and ward members came to the nursery for family home evening to help clean it up. Words can't express how thankful we are for their service. As Wade called and told Sid about all of the people who were there, Sid just cried and said "please tell them how thankful I am for them."

We are being so blessed during this time- we pray that we will be worthy of the many blessings that Heavenly Father is giving us.
