They began the stem cell draw on Sid today. He was hooked up for about 6 hours and produced 2 million and 700 stem cells. We are so thankful for all of the prayers that have been offered that have helped Sid produce this amount of stem cells.
The new medicine that they have to give Sid is making him very sick. He hasn't eaten anything today because he is so sick. He is sore all over and can barely walk. Although he is sick, he is still in good spirits.
Tonight we received a very special surprise- many of our friends and ward members came to the nursery for family home evening to help clean it up. Words can't express how thankful we are for their service. As Wade called and told Sid about all of the people who were there, Sid just cried and said "please tell them how thankful I am for them."
We are being so blessed during this time- we pray that we will be worthy of the many blessings that Heavenly Father is giving us.